Blog Archive

Which Weight Loss Aid Is Right for Me? Sep 10th, 2024

Finding the right weight loss aid can be an overwhelming task with so many options, but it doesn’t have to be.  Here at eleven19 Medical Spa + Weight Loss, our team of providers  believes in a personalized approach to weight loss that considers your specific needs and weight loss goals. ...

5 Anti-Aging Benefits of Having Regular IV Infusion Therapy Sessions Aug 4th, 2024

If you’re looking to reverse common signs of aging and are wondering if vitamins and minerals can help, you’re not alone. About 86% of Americans take oral vitamin supplements, but with this method, the vitamins first pass through your digestive tract. But intravenous (IV) infusion therapy can help you get...

Ready for Plumper Lips With Dermal Fillers? All Your Questions Answered Jul 22nd, 2024

If you’ve been dreaming of fuller, more luscious lips, dermal fillers might be the perfect solution for you. Juvéderm® can add volume and definition to your lips, and it’s available at eleven19 Medical Spa + Weight Loss. If you’re ready for plumper lips but have questions about dermal fillers, you’re...

Belly Fat in Men: Why Weight Loss Matters, and How We Can Help Jun 19th, 2024

Belly fat can be a serious problem, and unfortunately, men have a higher tendency to develop belly fat (compared to premenopausal women). In honor of Men’s Health Month, our team of expert providers discusses belly fat, why weight loss matters, and how medical weight loss programs at eleven19 Medical Spa...

What Causes Declining Collagen Levels, and How Can I Reverse the Trend? May 15th, 2024

Collagen — the most abundant protein in your body — helps to maintain the strength and elasticity of your skin, joints, and connective tissues. But as you age, your collagen levels naturally decline.  Here at eleven19 Medical Spa + Weight Loss, our team of expert providers knows that collagen loss...

Dermal Fillers Aren't Just for Women Apr 3rd, 2024

Traditionally, cosmetic procedures 一 including both cosmetic surgery and nonsurgical treatments 一 are associated with women. But societal attitudes toward male grooming (and self-care in general) have evolved significantly in recent years.  More men are embracing cosmetic treatments, including dermal fillers, as part of their grooming routine to maintain a...

Reverse Scalp Thinning with PepFactor Hair Restoration Mar 21st, 2024

Are you exhausted with the ongoing battle against thinning hair? You’re not alone. About 80 million people in America alone struggle with thinning hair. While there are many over-the-counter creams, vitamins, and shampoos, many fall short on delivering the results they promise. Here at eleven19 Medical Spa + Weight Loss,...

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Elevate Your Skin Care Routine This Year with Regular HydraFacials Feb 5th, 2024

Your skin is your largest organ, which shouldn't be a surprise if you have a regular at-home skincare routine to keep your skin nourished and supple. Your at-home skincare routine and your diet are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to keeping your skin healthy.  Here at...

I Never Want to Shave or Wax Again: Will Laser Hair Removal Do the Trick? Jan 10th, 2024

If your New Year’s resolution was to never have to shave or wax again, we can help make that resolution a reality with laser hair removal. And it’s probably much cheaper than you realized. Laser hair removal is quick and virtually painless. While not everyone is an equally good candidate...

I’m Ready to Lose Weight in 2024. Can You Help? Dec 14th, 2023

Losing weight is at the top of the list of New Year’s resolutions for many people. If you’ve been carrying around more weight than you feel comfortable with, you might have decided that enough is enough — you’re going to lose weight in 2024, no matter what it takes. You...

Are Chemical Peels Safe? Nov 2nd, 2023

So you’ve been thinking about getting a chemical peel. You’ve probably heard from your friends how peels can transform the appearance of your skin, so you want to try it for yourself and see how much of a payoff you can get from it. But you may also question whether...

Why Are My Eyelashes Falling Out? Oct 3rd, 2023

Far from being just an ordinary fringe above your eyelids, your eyelashes can be a key piece that pulls together your whole look. Some women even resort to getting false eyelashes.  Even if you don’t opt for false lashes, you may have rituals involving mascara and eyelash curlers. Some women...

5 Popular Benefits of Nonsurgical Body Sculpting Sep 7th, 2023

If you’ve been following a good diet and getting regular exercise, you may feel frustrated by some of your trouble spots that don’t seem to change.  Rather than just resigning yourself to having to live with them forever, you have options. Body sculpting can help you achieve the results you...

What Causes Cellulite After 40? Aug 6th, 2023

Cellulite is totally normal fat, but that doesn’t mean you’re too happy about its presence. The skin on your thighs, stomach, buttocks, or arms may look dimpled or have a cottage cheese appearance. The especially annoying part about cellulite is that you can have it even if you’re at or...

Laser Hair Removal for Men: What to Expect Jul 13th, 2023

Shaving your body hair can be a real hassle. Whether you’re just tired of shaving your face or you have chest or back hair that you would rather not, you can permanently get rid of it with laser hair removal. You might think that only women choose certain cosmetic treatments, like...

Which Facial Filler Works Best for Lips? Jun 6th, 2023

Sometimes, nature doesn’t bless you with the facial features that society views as most attractive. While you could try to make peace with what you don’t have, you have options, like taking advantage of the services medical spas like ours offer.  One of the things that we offer is facial...

4 Reasons Behind Your Double Chin May 17th, 2023

If you have a double chin, chances are that you’re not very happy about it. After all, we live in a very image-conscious society where we feel the need to put our best face forward. It’s very hard to do that when you’re extremely self-conscious. There are several reasons why...

IPL Facial vs. HydraFacial: Which Is Right for Me? Apr 5th, 2023

So you’ve decided that you want to get a facial and reveal refreshed and more youthful-looking skin. But should you get an IPL photofacial or a HydraFacial MD®? The answer to that question largely depends on the results you want to see and how quickly you want to see them. Both types of...

5 Popular Benefits of Vivace™ Radiofrequency Microneedling Mar 15th, 2023

Vivace™ radiofrequency microneedling is a newer method of transforming skin that’s completely nonsurgical. While you may feel relieved to know that you won’t have a lengthy recovery, you may also wonder if the procedure actually works and what it can do for you. Vivace is becoming very popular and for...

How (and Why) to Eat More Fiber for Weight Control Feb 21st, 2023

If you find it difficult to lose weight, it’s probably because of something you’re eating. That’s not great news, but there’s a very good way to fix it. Eating more fiber can be a very easy way to jump-start your weight loss. Higher-fiber foods are naturally filling. They include fresh...

Tighten and Tone All the Right Spots with EmSculpt® Jan 24th, 2023

You work hard to get the perfect body. But sometimes, exercise and a healthy diet just aren’t enough to deliver the results that you want. When you want a truly perfect body, you might need a little bit of help. Enter a new technology called EmSculpt®, an FDA-approved procedure that...

Why More Men Are Getting Botox Than Ever Dec 15th, 2022

Men are getting Botox® injections more often than ever. Although you may think of Botox as a wrinkle treatment for women, men are discovering that they can benefit from it too. In fact, more than half a million men choose to get Botox injections each day. This procedure, sometimes called...

Chemical Peels for Acne Scars: What to Expect Nov 9th, 2022

If your skin shows the negative effects of previous battles with acne, you may wonder how to deal with it. Many adults, both men and women, choose to get chemical peels to address their acne scars. After a chemical peel, your skin looks younger and more refreshed. Chemical peels are a very...

Reversing Collagen Loss: 4 Treatments That Can Work Wonders for Your Skin Oct 12th, 2022

If you’re hearing a lot these days about collagen, there’s a reason: The medical community is learning more about the role this protein plays in your skin’s appearance, as well as your joint health.  Collagen production naturally decreases as you get older, and there’s only so much of it that...

Are Appetite Suppressants Safe and Do They Really Work? Sep 8th, 2022

If you’re struggling to lose weight, you’re not alone. Up to 42% of Americans want to lose weight, but few report finding success with their own efforts, according to a recent study. And despite the number of people who want to lose weight, Americans are getting heavier. If you’re one...

How Laser Hair Removal Works for Men Aug 8th, 2022

Many people deal with unwanted hair growth on various parts of their body. Whether it’s in some part of your body where you would rather not have it or you just get tired of daily shaving, it can be a real hassle to deal with it. Women are catching on...

Why QWO® Might Be Your Answer for Getting Rid of Cellulite Jul 6th, 2022

If you have cellulite — especially on your rear end — you may have heard that there’s nothing you can do to fix it.  Cellulite is notoriously difficult to get rid of. Typical weight loss efforts like exercise and diet don’t fix cellulite. Scrubs and creams don’t do anything to...

5 Benefits a HydraFacial® Offers Your Skin Jun 14th, 2022

If your skin appears dull and you’re searching for a way to look refreshed and young again, we may have the solution for you. You don’t have to get plastic surgery to put your best face forward, though. You might only need a facial. But you need more than just...

If I Lose Weight Will My Double Chin Go Away? May 3rd, 2022

If you have a double chin, you may hope that losing weight will make it go away. But a double chin is the result of something called submental fat, which is stubbornly difficult to eliminate.  You might have read about some types of exercises that the author claims can eliminate...

Turn Back Time with a Spring HydraFacial Apr 7th, 2022

Your skin may look a little dull after the long, cooler winter months. It’s not uncommon for your facial skin to need a bit of refreshment as you go into the spring. In addition to turning the clocks back, you can also use this time to turn back your skin....

How B12 Injections Can Speed Up Your Weight Loss Mar 8th, 2022

You’re eating well and exercising, but still the pounds don’t seem to budge. You may wonder if your weight is just stuck where it is and if you need to learn to accept it. The answer is no! Everything plays a complex role in regulating your weight, including your vitamin...

The Role of Collagen and Elastin in Your Skin Feb 6th, 2022

Do you remember how your skin looked when you were younger? Even if you had less-than-perfect skin, it probably looked plumper and wrinkle-free. That was due in large part to the presence of collagen and elastin, two key proteins that make up the building blocks of your skin. As you...

Why Medical Weight Loss Might Be Your Answer Jan 6th, 2022

It’s the beginning of a new year, which means that you might have made a resolution to lose weight. You may have made this decision before but didn’t get the results that you wanted. Are you doomed to weigh more than you want? No! Medical weight loss is a totally...

Get Smooth Skin with Laser Hair Removal Dec 12th, 2021

If you don’t like your natural body hair, you’re far from alone. Many people shave off their body hair, but keeping up with a shaving routine is a pretty big hassle.  We have the answer. Thanks to laser hair removal, your body can be smooth and hairless in just a...

Treating Your Double Chin with Kybella® Nov 14th, 2021

Even if you’re otherwise thin, you can still have a double chin. It’s often genetic, but few people with it feel like they’ve won the genetic lottery. Instead of cursing your unfortunate genes, have you considered that there’s a nonsurgical way to fix it? The answer is called Kybella®, an...

How Botox® Can Make You Feel Beautiful Oct 11th, 2021

Wouldn’t you love it if you could permanently have that well-rested, refreshed look that you get after you’ve returned from a vacation? People would ask why you looked so good, and only you would know that the secret was a lot cheaper than a week in Hawaii.  Regular injections of...

Why Your Face Will Love a HydraFacial® Sep 9th, 2021

You want to look your best. But the toll of your stressful life, especially amid the ongoing pandemic, is making you feel like your facial skin has seen better days. You may look tired with dull skin. That never makes you feel your most confident. The solution to instantly glowing...

Get the Body Shape You Want With CoolSculpting® Aug 15th, 2021

You work hard to stay in shape. You eat right and exercise, but you’re still not seeing the results you want. You may think you’ve done the best that you can do, so you just have to learn to live with your body. But that’s far from the truth. One...

Shrink Your Cellulite With QWO® Injections Jul 22nd, 2021

If you’re like many women, you may be plagued by cellulite on your backside. This dimpled skin tends to appear on the buttocks and the back of your thighs. One of the most frustrating aspects of cellulite is that it has nothing to do with your weight; even thin women...

Never Shave Again With Laser Hair Removal Jun 21st, 2021

Shaving is a time-consuming ritual that most of us have to do, sometimes on a daily basis. You may try some other alternatives, including tweezing, plucking, or waxing, but these usually require just as much of a time commitment, if not more. With laser hair removal, you may never have...

Who Is a Candidate for Botox®? May 24th, 2021

Botox® injections are an effective way to smooth out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s a purified form of the botulinum-A toxin, which we inject in very small amounts to stop the muscle contractions that create wrinkles.  Botox is the most popular cosmetic procedure nationwide, with 7 million...

How Long Does It Take to See Results After My IPL Photofacial? Apr 19th, 2021

You want to look your best. If you have sun damage, rosacea, benign brown spots, or large pores, you could benefit from an IPL Photofacial®. Intense pulsed light (IPL) has been used successfully to treat skin conditions since it was approved for such use in 1995. If you’re like most...

Help! I’m Struggling to Lose Weight Mar 16th, 2021

Losing weight is never easy. It’s just not as simple as balancing the calories-in-calories-out equation. While it’s certainly true that burning more calories than you take in generally leads to weight loss, your metabolism and your hormones can make it more difficult to lose weight. If you want to lose...

Body Sculpting With NuEra Tight Feb 16th, 2021

If you have cellulite or loose skin, you may think that drastic plastic surgery is your only option for getting rid of it. But the field of body contouring uses new technologies to eliminate unattractive sagging skin and cellulite. NuEra® Tight by Lumenis® is one of the newest body contouring...

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin Once and For All Jan 8th, 2021

If you have a double chin, you probably hate looking in the mirror. Also known as submental fat, double chins tend to be especially resistant to traditional weight loss efforts. Even if you lose a lot of weight elsewhere on your body, your double chin may be stubborn and difficult...

5 Options for Putting Your Best Face Forward This Year Dec 14th, 2020

With the start of a new year within sight, many people start thinking about resolutions. One resolution that’s easy to keep is putting your best face forward. It’s easier than ever to look your best with the help of cosmetic procedures. There are multiple options available for cosmetic procedures. Many...

Eliminate Fat for Good With Strawberry Laser Lipo® Nov 11th, 2020

If you’ve been trying to transform your body with diet and exercise alone, you may wish that you could see more results. Previously, the only real option was liposuction, which has limitations in terms of recovery time.  Now there’s something new that can provide dramatic results: the Strawberry Laser Lipo®...

Tone Muscles Without Breaking a Sweat With EMSculpt Oct 2nd, 2020

You’re spending hours at the gym, yet you’re just not seeing the kind of sexy, well-toned muscles that you expected. We understand if you’re frustrated, but you’re also far from alone. When you put in that much effort to improve your body, it can be disheartening when you don’t see...

Peel Away Sun-Damaged Skin Sep 3rd, 2020

Whether you spent too much time in the sun this summer or had a habit of not using sunscreen in your youth, you may already be showing signs of sun damage. Even one bad sunburn can damage your skin. Sun damage makes you look older than your age. While you...

Treat Your Summer Skin to a HydraFacial Aug 4th, 2020

Summer is the perfect time to show off your best features and to display healthy, glowing skin. After a long winter, and even though we’re well into summer, you may feel like your skin looks a little dull, less than its best. Fortunately, the HydraFacial® might be just what you...

Replenish Your Body’s Resources With IV Therapy Jul 6th, 2020

In the fast-paced and stressful lives most of us lead, it can be easy to feel run down sometimes. Often, that’s because our bodies are lacking in basic nutrients and adequate water, especially if your diet is not as good as it should be. But you don’t have to live...

Rebuild Your Skin from Within With Microneedling Jun 8th, 2020

Everyone is in search of perfect skin. While different aspects of beauty go in and out of fashion, perfect skin is perennially desirable. People have been willing to do a lot in the name of beautiful skin, from drinking a gallon of water a day to surgical procedures. Somewhere in...

Ditch the Razors and Waxing With Laser Hair Removal May 6th, 2020

Shaving can be a real hassle. You have to do it every couple of days or more often, living with uncomfortable and unattractive stubble in the meantime. Waxing allows you to go longer and does a more thorough job of removing the hair than shaving, but it still grows back....

What to Expect During Your First Botox Treatment Apr 1st, 2020

Botox® has come a long way over the years. Once associated with permanently frozen facial expressions on soap opera actresses, today’s Botox treatments are much more subtle. In fact, you could be sitting in the same room with someone who’s had Botox and never be able to tell. Effective Botox...

COVID-19 STATUS UPDATE Mar 24th, 2020

In order to comply with physical distancing requirements, our waiting rooms will be limited to 2 people at a time. This requires us to request that all patients, new and returning, utilize our online scheduler to setup an appointment. We can then have your chart pulled ahead of time and...

When to Consider a Medical Weight Loss Program Mar 3rd, 2020

Many people want to lose weight. If you’re one of them, you may have tried for months or even years to take off the extra weight. You might be getting frustrated by how difficult it seems to be. After all, most weight loss programs involve painfully strict diets and punishing...

Banish Your Double Chin With Surgery-Free Kybella®️ Feb 18th, 2020

It’s something you may be all too familiar with: Lurking in your photographs, making you stretch out your neck while looking in the mirror, it’s the dreaded, embarrassing, self-esteem-crushing double chin.  And while many people deal with it, you’re probably sick of the whole darn thing, constantly wondering, “Is there...

Finish Off Your Weight Loss Journey With CoolSculpting® Jan 31st, 2020

Your weight-loss journey may be a success when it comes to the numbers, but the visual result may still leave you reaching for something that seems impossible to achieve. Stubborn pockets of fat can keep you from attaining the figure of your dreams, even if you hit your target weight,...