Laser Hair Removal for Men: What to Expect

Laser Hair Removal for Men: What to Expect

Shaving your body hair can be a real hassle. Whether you’re just tired of shaving your face or you have chest or back hair that you would rather not, you can permanently get rid of it with laser hair removal.

You might think that only women choose certain cosmetic treatments, like laser hair removal, but this perception is inaccurate. More and more men are discovering the benefits of laser hair removal, too. 

Read on to learn about laser hair removal as our providers at eleven19 MedSpa explain how men can benefit from this procedure and what you can expect from it.

How laser hair removal works

Laser hair removal uses the energy from a laser to destroy the hair’s roots. Over time, this causes your hair follicle to stop producing new hair.

At eleven19, we use the Lightsheer laser by Lumenis®. This laser utilizes two forms of light to target the hair’s roots. It doesn’t destroy the follicle entirely, but it makes it so that it’s very unlikely to start producing hair again. 

You may be surprised to find out just how quick each laser session is. Depending on the size of the area where you want to eliminate hair, each session is only 15-30 minutes. 

It does take more than a single session with the laser to eliminate all hair; most people need eight sessions on average, though your results may vary. 

After the first couple of sessions, you’ll notice that your hair starts to grow back more slowly and sparsely, so you’ll see benefits even before your full course of sessions is complete. But continue with your treatments to get rid of all hair growth.

The areas where you can use it

Laser hair removal works on almost any part of your body where you have unwanted hair. For men, this may include your:

These are just some of the most common areas that men seek hair removal, but we can probably work with any part of your body where unwanted hair is growing.

Does it hurt?

This is one of the most common questions that we get: Does laser hair removal hurt? In the movie “The 40-year-old Virgin,” the main character goes through a humorous but painful experience of getting his chest waxed.

Fortunately, laser hair removal is much less painful than waxing (and the results last a lot longer, too). Most people describe it as being similar to being snapped by a rubber band repeatedly. It’s not necessarily comfortable, but most of our patients tolerate it without too much discomfort.

The other factor to consider is that it’s over relatively quickly. You can even return to work or any of your other normal activities right away after a laser hair removal treatment session. 

If you’ve been considering laser hair removal, we would love to speak to you about it. Contact us at the eleven19 MedSpa location nearest you or request an appointment online. Our offices are located in Santa Ana, Fullerton, and Rancho Cucamonga, California.

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